On Friday, November 19, Motivated Community Resource Center hosted their annual Thanksgiving Giveaway where over 150 families were blessed. Each family received free turkeys and all the trimmings to go with it. The organization was blessed to receive a grant from the Horizon House to help support the event. Thank you Horizon House. You can find out more about Horizon House by visiting their website at https://www.hhinc.org/.
The Allen AME & Motivated's Project Care Food Pantry feeds more than 35 families every Friday from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Families receive non-perishable items such as can goods, boxed goods, and more. They even receive items such as chicken, turkey, fish, ground beef and more. The goal of Project Care is to eventually service 100 families.
If you would like to volunteer or receive food pantry items, please call our office at 215-921-2552 weekdays between 9 am - 4:oo pm.