Families came out on Tuesday, April 6th for the Meet the Chef Night. Families learned about the MYS Kids Cooking Academy, the requirements, and how to register. While attending the event, Chef Bernard also gave a live demonstration where he cooked for the group shrimp and spinach. It was so good! Everyone enjoyed it, even the kids!
The Cooking Academy begins on Tuesday, April 13th and will be conducted in two cohorts. Cohort 1 will involve the young inspiring chefs learning the basic fundamental of cooking. They will learn how to use kitchen tools, set a proper table, and engage in actual preparation of foods. Next week: Shrimp and Grits! Can't wait!
To register for these upcoming classes, please register on our website at www.motivatedcrc.org and Click Classes/Workshops. Each Cohort is $120 for 6 weeks. Well worth it!